Posts No. 13-45/2008-D dated 10/11/.12.2013
The norms for delivery of
Speed Post articles have in the past been revised from time to time and are
also contained in the Citizen’s Charter of the Department. The existing
delivery norms for Speed Post are follows:
(a) Local (within
municipal limits) : 2 days
(b) Between one to another
metro city (included the six metro cities i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,
Bangalore and Hyderabad) and limited to Municipal limits of these cities: 2
(c) Rest of the
country: 4 to 6 days.
The norms mentioned above are further qualified by stating that they exclude
the day of posting, Sundays and Holidays that they denote maximum time and
apply only to the articles booked before the cut-off time.
The matter relating to revision of the existing norms for delivery of Speed
Post articles was under consideration of this Directorate, and the following
has been decided in this regard:
New delivery (transit) norms have been worked out on a city-to-city
basis for 87 cities where Speed Post Sorting Hubs are
located (excluding 1 CBPO & 2 CBPO).
The new delivery norms are being
circulated to all concerned by e-mail along with this O.M. The same may be
The new norms for a pair of cities have been prescribed in terms of a range.
For example,
The delivery norms
between Mumbai and Pune is “1 to 2 days, i.e. D+1 to D+2 where “D” is the
day of booking.
The new norms would be restricted to the municipal limits of a city (covering
only TD PIN codes) under reference.
The new delivery norms for Speed Post would be subject to the conditions that:
They are limited to 87 cities, and municipal limit within these cities,
They do not apply to the articles booked after the cut-off time on a
day(normally) taken as 3 or 4 pm for booking counters at post offices or as
decided by the Circle concerned) and an extra day may be added in such
The delivery norms do not include Sundays and holidays,
Delay occurring due to curfew, bandh or strike in a particular city may adversely
affect delivery norms,
Delay occurring due to cancellation of flights/trains/buses/other means of
transport for carriage of mail or off-load / non-carriage of mail by
the carriers due to any reason is beyond the control of the
Department, and therefore, the same may adversely affect delivery norms.
Beyond the cities mentioned under the delivery norms document, extra days may
be required which would vary from place to place..
Circles may give wide publicity to the new norms among the public and display
the norms in the shape of a matrix of prominent / frequently-used destinations at
the post office as display of entire matrix perhaps may not be possible.
The new delivery norms would also be placed on India Post website in a
user-friendly format so that a user could easily find delivery/transit norms
between a pair of cities. In the interim, a PDF version of the document is
being uploaded on the Departmental website.
This O.M. supersedes all previous instructions on Speed Post Delivery Norms
issued by this Directorate/Business Development Directorate.